02 November 2013

Garnier Olia - first experience & impression

A few days ago I decided to try the new Garnier Olia hair colour and I must admit the results I got were definitely one of the best I've ever got. The hue I used was Very Light Blonde 10.0, and the result was a really nice cold blonde, something I have always searched for!

I have long fine hair that has gone through a lot of bleaching and other chemical treatment for about 15 years. Looking for something to cover up my growing roots, I decided to give Olia a try. 

I chose the lightest cool blonde and paid around 7.50 € for a package. One package or long hair is not enough though, I should have definitely have bought two, but managed somehow, because my previous colour and Olia were close enough to not to worry too much anyway. 

I have recently been using L'Oreal Casting Creme Gloss dyes, mainly because it's ammonia-free - just like Olia - but unlike the latter, Casting Creme is not a permanent, and it's expensive, so I was looking forward to finding something new.

Olia contains no ammonia - meaning it shold be less damaging to hair, and does not smell bad - it has a discreet, flowery scent to it. But be reminded that ammonia-free does not mean this colour is any safer than others. Didn't find ingredients for the exact colour 10.0, but here is an overview for the 9.0: http://www.ewg.org/skindeep/product/530311/Garnier_Olia_Oil_Powered_Permanent_Hair_Color%2C_9.0_Light_Blonde/ - beware that reading this might make you want to drop dying altogether... :P

In any case, it is always recommended to do an allergy test before any kind of dying. I didn't, of course, and I have felt a kind of itching on my scalp for these few days after dying, but I cannot tell whether it's the hair dye or something else. I will probably use this hair dye again in the future, but until then, I cannot make any final conclusions. Some users on the net have complained Olia left their hair drizzy or dry - I cannot tell yet, but maybe that's because my hair is always like that.

I understood in some (other?) parts of the world, the package contains a mixing bottle with an applicator, but this was not the case with the package I bought here in Estonia. I had to use my own mixing bowl and applicataor, but for me it's not a big problem since I have 15 years of experience in hair dying :) The gloves in the box, not suprisingly, are not too good (but not the worst, either), but I use my own anyway, so I personally don't really care.


+ permanent with no ammonia

smells good
+ cool blonde really is a nice cool blonde
+ not too pricy (7.50 €, where I live)


must be applied using a bowl and applicator
possible allergic reaction (but this is probably the case with any hair dyes)

Other users reviews: MakeUpAlley


Garnier Olia - Esimene kogemus ja muljed

Proovisin paar päeva tagasi uut Garnier Olia juuksevärvi ja pean ütlema, et saadud toon on küll üks ilusamaid, mille seni juuksevärvidega saanud olen. Värvisin tooniga Very Light Blonde 10.0, ja see on tõesti ilus külmblond toon, umbes selline, nagu kogu aeg otsinud olen!

Mul on pikad, peene karvaga juuksed, mis on läbi teinud pidevat blondeerimist ja kõikvõimalikku muud sorti keemilist töötlust viimased 15 aastat. Kuna juuksejuured hakkasid välja kasvama ja vajasid seega niikuinii värvimist, siis proovisin uudishimust uut Olia't.

Viimasel ajal olen muidu L'Oreal Casting Creme Glossi kasutanud, just põhjusel, et seegi – nagu ka Garnier Olia – on ammonniaagivaba, kuid erinevalt Olia'st pole Casting Creme Gloss püsivärv.

Positiivne on see, et Olia ei sisalda ammoniaaki, seega kahjustab selle võrra vähem juukseid ega haise – lõhn on mõnus ja tagasihoidlik. See muidugi ei tähenda, et värv oleks kahjutu – netist otsides koostise täisnimekirja leida ei õnnestunud, aga leidsin selle ülevaate tooni 9.0 kohta: http://www.ewg.org/skindeep/product/530311/Garnier_Olia_Oil_Powered_Permanent_Hair_Color%2C_9.0_Light_Blonde/ - ettevaatust, selle lehe lugemine võib teil isu juukseid värvida päris ära võtta... :P 

Igal juhul tasub teha allergiatest enne igasugust värvimist, see peaks vähemalt suurema jama pärast ära hoidma. Mina muidugi ei teinud, aga peale värvimist olen tundnud väikset kihelust peas... Samas ma üldse ei väida, et see on kindlalt nüüd juuksevärvist, aga tasub ikka olla ettevaatlik. Ilmselt värvin selle värviga tulevikus veel ja siis saan juba konkreetsemad järeldused teha.

Osad kommentaarid netis mainisid, et värv tegi nende juuksed kuivaks või kahuseks - ma veel peale ühekordset värvimist ei oska midagi kindlalt öelda... Mu juuksed on nagunii kogu aeg suht kuivad ja kergelt pusasse minevad ka.

Olen aru saanud, et mujal maailmas müüakse seda värvi aplikaatoriga varustatud segupudeliga, aga see, mille mina Kaubamajast sain, vajas igatahes segamisnõud ja aplikaatorit... Noh, veidi tüütum, aga kuna ma olen ca 15 aastat juukseid värvinud, siis ega see mind otseselt ei morjenda :) Karbis on ka kindad, mida kannatab täitsa kasutada, aga mina kasutan nagunii oma isiklikke, nii et minu poolest võiks need seal karbis ka olemata olla.



+ ammoniaagivaba püsivärv
+ lõhnab hästi
+ ilus tulemus (vähemalt minul)
+ Hind on keskmine, ca 7.50 €


komplektis võiks olla aplikaatoriga segupudel
võimalikud allergilised reaktsioonid (aga see võimalus on ka kõikide teiste värvide puhul)

Teiste kasutajate kommentaarid: MakeUpAlley

Hello, dollies! ^^

So, I decided to start my own beauty blog after admiring so many other's – I hope it will be fun for me and interesting and useful for you! ;) Being a great procrastinator I hope to keep it up and running :D
This blog will probably be bilingual – I will be posting in Estonian – which is my home language – as well as in English. This way I will also practice my translating skills! 2 (or more) in 1! And please don't mind mistakes (I will be surely making), but you are welcome to message/comment and correct them when you see them :)